Illuminati = Israel =Facebook=All connected
You are being controled and watched.
Mark Elliot Zuckerberg is president director general of Facebook
The mystery hoody of Mark Zuckerberg
Making the world more open and connected Facebook/Spybook
Why does Israel love Facebook ?
Because Israel are Facebook
Why is Illuminati linked with Facebook
Illuminati purpose is to eliminate all the dictators of the Arab world and create many revolutions in Iraq,Afganistan,Tunisia etc with the help of the Pentagon.
How much cash is behind Facebook ?
Answer: at least $12,700,000
Facebook an indirect small minded way of manipulating people around the world
ACCEL,CIA,Dept of Deffence,The pentagon are all connected to facebook
is this
There are 13 levels to Illuminati the same principles to Facebook
What is the main objective of facebook ?
Answer: The passage of small Israel will become big Israel
People are being killed indescriminately by the hands of Israel
Nough said, Dezzy
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